Friday, September 22, 2017

The Netherlands Sink Lower-The Numbers Don't Lie

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes

Last week I posted an article about crime statistics in Sweden, the rape capital of Europe, showing that immigrants from Muslim countries are responsible for a disproportionate share of the crime. Of course, this is true of most all Western European countries, who for too many years madly imported people without any thought of assimilation. The Netherlands is just another case in point. Dutch politician Geert Wilders has been pointing out the dangers of Muslim immigration for years at the risk of his life and the cost of being repeatedly prosecuted by his own government for so-called hate speech. Now the wave of asylum-seekers has dramatically increased crime in Western Europe including the Netherlands. The statistics in the Netherlands bear this out.

 "Top 5 crimes by arrested asylum seekers (first nine months of 2016)
  • Theft 663
  • Crimes against persons (insult, threats, spitting, sexual assault, rape and assault and battery) 302
  • Offenses (except traffic and environmental) 193
  • Disturbing the peace, resisting arrest 156
  • Vandalism 80
  • Miscellaneous 273 (this is actually number 6)"
The linked article also illustrates the warped thinking that goes into considerations of deportation for those who abuse the generosity of receiving countries like the Netherlands. The policy should be easy: Arrest, prosecute, incarcerate, and deport in that order. Instead these countries bend over backwards to allow foreign criminals to stay. The cost is paid by the host country nationals in terms of their safety and having to pay for services to these foreign criminals, deadbeats, and in some cases terrorists who kill and maim on a large scale.

Of course, this is not to suggest that all immigrants to Europe fall into the above categories. Having lived in two different European countries (Germany and Italy) for a total of eight years and going back for visits every few years, I know better. It is undeniable, however, that Europe failed to do what America did (at least until recent years). We vetted immigrants and insisted on assimilation. The Europeans did not. They thought first and foremost about manual workers to do the work Europeans would not do. Then they realized they needed to import people because their own birth rates were insufficient to maintain the level of those working and paying the bills for their generous welfare states and retirement services. Finally, countries like Sweden decided they were not multi-cultural enough.

Europe could have had all three had they vetted their newcomers and insisted on assimilation. Instead they brought in millions of people without regard to assimilation and wound up with too many who had no respect for the host country values or even the concepts of free speech and democracy.  And that was before the recent tsunami of refugees, asylum-seekers, and plain old migrants most of whom are from Muslim background.

Incidentally, I am specifying Western Europe because the Eastern European countries, primarily, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, are fiercely resisting allowing Muslim refugees and migrants entry into their countries. They are defying EU demands that they take in "their fair share".

Ironically, the Netherlands up to now has arguably been the most successful of Western European countries in trying to assimilate immigrants. Historically, most of them came from the Dutch colonies (past or present) in Indonesia, Suriname, Curacao, Aruba, and other parts of the Caribbean. On the other hand, Moroccans, Afghans and Somalis, to name a few, are a different story. Wilders was brought up on charges for specifically referring to the crime problems among the Moroccan community.

It is time for the Netherlands to start listening to Geert Wilders instead of trying to put him in jail. In my view, it is time to elect him and his party the Dutch Freedom Party, and make him prime minister. However, I am not Dutch, so I don't have a vote. The Netherlands, just like the rest of the Western European countries, needs to close off their borders and rapidly deport the bad apples or they can say goodbye to their democracies and, indeed, their very countries.

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