Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Racial Indoctrination at Ohio State

If you are wondering why race relations in America are going backward, you might pay a visit to one of our universities, where demonizatuon of white people is in full fashion mode. Take Ohio State for example.

I  am not going to repeat what I have already written on this subject many times.What is going on at Ohio State is going on in many many other universities. Remember all those calls from people like Eric Holder for Americans to have a frank conversation about race. I say fine as long as it's a two-way conversation. That is not what OSU wants. They tell white students they are to shut up and listen when some persons of color spouts off on their grievances, real or imagined.

This kind of indoctrination is dangerously divisive. Notwithstanding our history of slavery and segregation, white Americans today (with the obvious exception of the KKK and neo-Nazis who are a tiny fringe) white America is not trying to keep minorities down. The entire government at every level is working to advance the interest of minorities. We have raised  two generations of Americans to believe that discrimination is wrong. This white privilege crap is 50 years too late.

1 comment:

  1. Go to college and get indoctrinated. This Professor is not a teacher and a mere propagandist parading as an intellect. Unfortunately, there are more and more of these pseudo Professors. Worse, these Professors get hired by and Administration that is ideologically Far Left.

