Wednesday, September 27, 2017

AfD on Why Islam Has No Place in Germany

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Oz-Rita for translation

Below is an excerpt from  speech given by Dr Alexander Gauland, a leader in the German political party, Alternatif fuer Deutschland. Dr Gauland explains why Islam has no place in Germany. The video is about 5 and a half minutes long with English sub-titles. It is well worth the time.

One might ask: Is this not the same type of rhetoric the Nazis used against the Jews? Indeed, Germans are still very leery to criticize Muslims or Islam for the very fear of invoking memories of the Nazi persecution of the Jews. There are important distinctions, however. First of all, Judaism has no political theology that says it must dominate the politics of where Jews reside. Secondly, Jews in Germany during the 1930s were not trying to take over the country. They were not engaging in violent street assaults and rapes. They were not engaging in terrorism, They were merely assimilating and living their lives as Germans. Sadly for them, Hitler and the Nazis believed that they were a separate and inferior race that was polluting German blood.

Germany has no intentions of repeating the  inhumanity that they visited upon the Jews. What Dr Gauland and AfD are saying is that this insane immigration policy of Angela Merkel is destroying the nation-as it is other Western European nations. If demographics one day result in Muslims becoming the largest group in Germany, their very freedoms will be destroyed by Islamic ideology.

And make no mistake: Islam is a political ideology with a religious veneer.

I think the two AfD representatives refute the Nazi comparison very well in the below press conference. Egri Nok did the translation for Gates of Vienna.

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