Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Van Jones Says That Russia Thing Is a "Big Nothing Burger"

Project Veritas has released part 2 of their CNN Pravda expose. In this segment, an undercover reporter is told by CNN's Van Jones that the Russian thing is a big nothing burger.


  1. And, who, if anyone, do you believe? And why?

    On its face, your terse presentation does not convey whether you trust Van Jones, and therefore are certain that Russia thing IS a "Big nothing burger," or, whether you are certain there is a good deal to "that Russia thing" and are being sarcastic about yet another example of idiocy on the part of Van Jones.

    For one thing, its hard to believe that Gary Fouse, retired DEA agent, would write off the serious allegations about Russian interference in American life, and, its increasingly hard to believe that Gary would lend credence to anything that might undermine the credibility of the Trump administration, or give aid and comfort to Nancy Pelosi, and, its hard to believe Gary would say anything positive about Van Jones.

    Talk about a Washington swamp...

  2. I investigated a lot of cases. I also closed a lot of cases. I knew when to close a case.

  3. PS We called them hummers. Van Jones call them nothing burgers.


  4. Mark Steyn has an analogy. A couple of years ago a Malaysian passenger airplane disappeared. There was a tremendous amount of interest. There were investigations, inquiries, speculations, theories, news stories, but PUFF, the plane just disappeared. In that case, there WAS a plane. We know because there are relatives of the passengers, there are radio transcripts from the plane, there are airport and maintenance documents. We are certain that such a plane existed. There is and always has been proof that the airplane existed. Intense coverage lasted months.

    In the case of the Trump/Russia collusion on the Presidential election, there IS NO AIRPLANE. The coverage is as intense and has been going twice as long. Think about it! It, all the accusations, speculation, time, effort, and money is based on NOTHING! Nobody can articulate what they are looking for or rather what crime is he being investigated? What is he charged with? It is clear to me this is a fishing expedition to see what they can find.

    As Beria said to Stalin, "Give me the name and I'll give you the charge." It ain't supposed to work that way here.

  5. There was no airplane involved in the St. Valentine's Day massacre either.

    But Gary has tip-toed around my question. He hasn't copped to what he thinks is the significance of this statement at all. Who am I being asked to laugh at?

  6. Except that Jones was earlier on videotape on CNN talking like it was a Big Mac.
