Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Image result for thanksgiving

Just remember all you college students: No matter what your loopy professors tell you, we give thanks to God on Thanksgiving. Not to the Indians for teaching the Mayflower folks how to plant corn (though it was much appreciated) -but to God.


  1. What is this Gary? Some kind of state-mandated Groupthink? Who do you think you are, the new Secretary General of the United Nations? In America, each family gives thanks for whatever they choose to give thanks for. Politically correct thank you prayers are not issued by bloggers, by The State, or anyone else.

    (Happy Thanksgiving Gary).

  2. What is this Gary? Some kind of state-mandated Groupthink? Who do you think you are, the new Secretary General of the United Nations? In America, each family gives thanks for whatever they choose to give thanks for. Politically correct thank you prayers are not issued by bloggers, by The State, or anyone else.

    (Happy Thanksgiving Gary).

  3. That was so poignant you said it twice. I am thankful for expecting my first grandchild, the Cubs winning the world series and Hillary Clinton not being president.

    Life is good.

    PS: It's not groupthink. It is history.

  4. I only posted once. The gods of cyberspace duplicated it. Wishing you a merry holiday season in advance.
