Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Anti-Trump, Pipeline Rally at UC Irvine

I was going to watch this circus at UC Irvine today, but a family event came up. Look what I missed.
Image result for circus

Rally Against Trump, Dakota Access Pipeline
Planned at UC Irvine Today

Speakers include Dean of the School of Humanities Georges Van Den Abbeele, ASUCI President Tracy La and ASUCI Senator Mohammed Abdelrahm, and others. 
Music by Professor of History and internationally acclaimed musician Mark Le Vine.

IRVINE – Today, November 22, a coalition of academic higher education unions, activist organizations and student government members will hold a peaceful rally at noon on the campus of UC Irvine. Titled "Say No to Trump, Say Yes to Standing Rock," the one-hour informational rally will feature speakers calling out President-Elect Donald Trump's record of dangerous positions against science, the environment, and civil and human rights while also calling for student and faculty solidarity with those protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). 

You can find the event and RSVP on Facebook: 
Say No to Trump, Say Yes to Standing Rock

Event organizers seek to spread awareness about opposition to the North Dakota pipeline resistance encampment, and provide solidarity and physical support on the ground. The rally is one of a number of actions recently organized by civic, labor, faith and community organizations in opposition to DAPL and in support of indigenous resistance across the country.

WHAT:          Say No to Trump, Say Yes to Standing Rock informational rally
WHO:            Coalition of higher Education unions, activist organizations, student government members, and educators.
WHEN:          Today, November 22, from 12 to 1 p.m.
WHERE:       UC Irvine Campus, at the flagpole outside Aldrich Hall 
Flier for the event is attached. 
Know your rights, Academic Freedom for Lecturers, also attached.
The event is co-sponsored by the unions representing Librarians and Lecturers (University Council-American Federation of Teachers Local 2226) and Academic Employees (United Auto Workers), as well as the UC Irvine American Indian Resource Program and other campus organizations.

UC-AFT Local 2226 represents Librarians and Lecturers at UC Irvine. It is affiliated with the California Federation of Teachers, which represents 120,000 faculty and school employees in public and private schools and colleges, from early childhood through higher education. 

Yes, Folks it was an all-star cast headlined by the dean of the School of Humanities, which indicates to me that UCI put its official seal on bashing President-elect Donald Trump. I see it was co-sponsored by the local union hacks.

But the main act had to be UCI professor,and internationally acclaimed musician...drum roll please...... 

Mark Levine!
(That's him below)



I understand he is quite popular in the hookah bars of Egypt. Other than that, don't hold your breath waiting to see him at the Grammys. LeVine's main claim to fame is bashing Israel-but don't ever call him an anti-Israel activist like I did. He gets real mad when you do.

So sorry I missed his "performance".

Internationally acclaimed musician. What a joke.


  1. The fools that are going "No Trump" do not realize that Trump has the control of the pursestrings. Trump has already pulled 500 million dollars from the far left PBS, as it should be. There are many grants from the Fed and UCI had best understand that Trump is not the easy money man that Obama has been (pun intended). First, the phony baloney Climate Change money will dry up like a California desert. If cash is going to the climate charlatans at UCI, better hang on to your University chair, because it will pulled from under the Profs. Better think twice about your "Never Trump" screed, because he is now the President in two months.

  2. I wonder what kind of convoluted theory he uses to support his notion he is not anti- Israel. He is actually one of the worst. He misrepresents his sources then publishes his anti-Israel screeds in Al Jazeera. That then becomes the anti-Israel story in the Arab world. I wrote an article on this several years ago with the details of his deceit.
