Thursday, October 20, 2016

Muhanad Badawi Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison For Recruiting for ISIS

Muhanad Badawi
"Heigh ho, heigh ho
It's off to jail I go"

An Orange County man originally from Sudan was sentenced to 30 years in prison for recruiting at least one man to join ISIS.

Interestingly, the judge, David Carter, who had already sentenced Badawi's co-defendant, Nader Elzuhayel, to 30 years in prison, had delayed Badawi's sentencing for a few days because for some reason he was undecided on Badawi's role. After reviewing evidence that showed Badawi had in fact acted as a recruiter for the other defendant, Badawi was given his sentence. One can only wonder why the judge had not examined all the evidence in the first instance.


  1. Hope he isn't allowed to recruit in jail.

  2. It would be inhumane to deny him a chance to watch the Cubs win the world series.

    (Miggie, please... recruitment in jail isn't "allowed," its one of many things prisoners do when the guard is at the other end of the corridor.)
