Sunday, July 24, 2016

An American Rabbi Writes on the Election

Full disclosure: Rabbi Dov Fischer of Orange County is a friend and a colleague. He has written the below op-ed for Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) on the election and why he prefers Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. I agree with his assessment. (That's why I'm cross-posting it, right?)

A couple of things are for sure; Donald Trump is a nationalist who will put America's interests first instead of subjugating our interests to other nations, many of whom are hostile. He also has the ability to bring about an improvement in our international trade situation. While there are uncertainties with Trump, there is no doubt that Clinton would be a disaster with her dishonesty, proven incompetence, and corruption.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of things are for sure; Donald Trump is a nationalist who will put America's interests first instead of subjugating our interests to other nations, many of whom are hostile.

    On which day of the week?

    If I had the power to script this election, but was not allowed to introduce any new candidates, I would set the dials for Hillary 38 percent, Trump 27 percent, Johnson 19 percent, Greens 16 percent. Johnson would be a terrible president, the Greens don't have the administrative or managerial expertise to run a country, Trump is a dangerous buffoon who believes in only one thing, exalting himself, but I'd like Hillary to know that 62 percent of the population didn't want her.

    But Gary, we all knew you would come around to Trump in the end.
