Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Clinton Lottery


"When I  saw Hamilton, I was blown away."

"When I  saw Burr, I was blown away."

The Clinton campaign, which will never be confused with class, has now resorted to a lottery to raise cash. As if they didn't know enough ways to raise dough. Now they are offering us a chance to see the play, Hamilton, if we just chip in enough money.

There are two ways to enter, a duel track, if you will (no pun intended). You can either enter the raffle for as little as three bucks. This way you have as much chance of winning as getting your portrait on a 10-dollar bill.

Or you can go ahead and pay not ten dollars but 10,000 dollars and be assured of getting that premium seat and a photo op with Her Majesty herself (suitable for framing).

Here is an email I got yesterday from Hillary herself.

Friend --

When I first saw the musical Hamilton last year, I was blown away. It's an incredible feat of storytelling about the fight for the heart and soul of our very nation. It's a look at history that feels immediately relevant today. It's a beautiful piece of art with empathy to spare.

So I want you to experience a performance with me next month. Will you chip in to be automatically entered for the chance to be my guest?

You can bring a friend -- and don't worry about the cost of tickets or flights. The campaign will cover it, so you can focus on enjoying the show!

Enter now, and I might see you at the theater!

If you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately.






Or donate another amount:
Thank you,

Imagine that: Just like Alexander Hamilton, she was blown away.

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