Sunday, January 31, 2016

One Fine Day in a Migrant Camp in Calais

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

Remember back in '44 when we were preparing for the invasion of France?


Well, Hitler figured that the Allies were going to come across the English Channel and land at Calais, but we fooled him and landed at Normandy.

Now it is all being played out again, but in reverse. Calais is presently where the most notorious migrant camp is located, from where the migrants try by hook or crook to get over the channel into England. It's not boats and troop carriers this time because now there is a tunnel that crosses from France to England, and the migrants try to hide in the trucks or just commandeer them if they can. So once again all eyes are on Calais, but this time for good reason. The invasion is going the other way now-from France to England.

Widows, orphans and brave soldiers crossing the channel

Two weeks ago, some dopey Dutch journalists ventured into the camp in Calais to speak to the migrants. They figured they would put on Palestinian keffiyehs and convince them that they were friends. You know, like the dopey scientist in the science fiction movie that tells the monster, "I'm your friend" just before he is squashed into smithereens.

Watch closely. If you miss the first 5 seconds, you will be lost. (And you don't want to get lost in the Calais migrant camp.)

Another Dutch liberal learns the hard way about the real world. The Netherlands, I must say, has long been a nation populated by liberal fools. They have one of Europe's great men in Geert Wilders, who they desperately need to become prime minister.

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