Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Chris Matthews' Cuban Problem

Hat tip Town Hall

Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz may be gone from MSNBC, but they still have Chris Matthews to provide laughs. Matthews has spent the last eight years denouncing Obama's critics as racists. Here via Townhall is Chris' latest verbal road kill as he asks, "Who cares about two Cuban guys?" (Cruz and Rubio)

Chris, you really should care because one of them may just be the next president of the United States.
And if one of them makes it, we can play your game and accuse you of being a bigot every time you criticize whoever it is.

Good grief!


  1. He should have said "Who cares about two gusanos?" But that would have been inaccurate too, since both of these Cuban guys were born in the United States, and our constitution does not permit corruption of blood.

  2. I thought Cruz was born in Canada?? Calgary?, I believe?? Just saying. Am I mistaken??

  3. You are correct. Once a Cuban, always a Cuban-at least according to Matthews.

  4. OK elwood, you can join the "birther" movement questioning whether Cruz is eligible to serve as President of the United States.

    (Yes, he was born in Canada, which last I knew is not part of Cuba, and he had a mother who was an American citizen, so he is too.)

  5. "---both of these Cuban guys were born in the United States---"

    "---Yes, he was born in Canada---"

    My comment had to do with your original inaccurate statement (thanx for correcting it immediately above) that Cruz was born in the U.S., and nothing to do with his presidential eligibility.

    While I will let the courts work out the "birther" issue, it just seems a little weird to me that children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrant parent(s) would apparently have presidential eligibility while people born to U.S. parent(s)
    abroad would not.


  6. "---both of these Cuban guys were born in the United States---"

    "---Yes, he was born in Canada---"

    Yes, but is Canada a part of the U.S.?? My comment had to do with your original inaccurate statement (thanx for correcting it immediately above)regarding his birthplace and nothing to do with his presidential eligibility.

    I will let the courts work out the "birther" issue. It would just seem strange to me that "anchor babies" born in the U.S. to illegal immigrant(s) would apparently be eligible for the presidency while those born to American parent(s) abroad (Cruz, McCain, et al) would not.

  7. oooopsssss!!! MY BAD.
