Monday, September 7, 2015

Mark LeVine Defends Matisyahu Boycott at Spanish Music Fest

Mark LeVine-PhD

UC Irvine professor  and Campus Watch Howler of the Month legend Mark LeVine  told me once that if I ever called him an anti-Israel activist again, I was going to have a big problem. That was slanderous, said Mark.

So it never ceases to confuse me when Mark writes articles like this-for Al Jazeera, no less. In this latest piece de resistance, Mark confuses us all with this twisted analysis of the recent appearance of pro-Israel Jewish performer Matisyahu at a Spanish reggae festival.

 "Among his views, as detailed by the BDS Pais Valencia, Matisyahu has defended the murder of international activists by IDF forces in the infamous 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla,....." 

If he is referring to the Mari Marmara incident, since when is self defense "murder"? 

"Matisyahu has no place appearing at a peace festival."

How about Bob Hope, Mark? How about Marlene Dietrich? Or don't you know your history?

The truth is that the attempt to cancel Matisyahu was just another example of the intimidation and suppression tactics of the BDS movement worldwide. BDS's ultimate objective is the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state-"from the river to the sea". As for Mark LeVine-he is an anti-Israel activist. It is his right to be so, but he shouldn't deny the obvious, right Bob?

Image result for bob marley blowing smoke
Bob Marley turning in his grave


  1. Gary,

    You said: " Mark LeVine told me once that if I ever called him an anti-Israel activist again, I was going to have a big problem. That was slanderous, said Mark." Your response to Mark could have been: "Make my day!"


  2. Squid,

    That was the incident which occurred in front of LeVine's students. He embarrassed himself in front of his own class in my estimation. I didn't want to sink to that level and I told him that I was not going to engage in a yelling match with him since it was not the time or place.

    A few weeks ago, I encountered LeVine on Ring Rd at UCI and had my say. The scorecard is now even.

  3. What kind of "big" problem does this little man think he can create?
