Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gay Rights Under ISIS

For all you dopey, pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses railing about the so-called "pink-washing" that you accuse Israel of engaging in, you might want to know how Israel's enemies in the Middle East treat gays.

And why do they do that, you ask. Because in that part of sharia law called hudud sharia, (punishments for "crimes against God"), homosexuality is punished by death.

That's why it is sooo unfair for Israel to point out that gays can live in Israel with no problem.

1 comment:

  1. "Because in that part of sharia law called hudud sharia, (punishments for "crimes against God"), homosexuality is punished by death."

    Exactly the same as in the Holy Bible. See Christians and Muslims do have lots in common.

    Jews too. Who do you think wrote Deuteronomy and Leviticus?

    I love how the rise of ISIS and its counterpart Shia philosophies has converted American conservatives to the cause of gay rights.
