Hat tip Creeping Sharia
The below report is not only troubling, it is outrageous. With a clear and present danger of Islamic terrorism in our own country, our government is rushing pell-mell in an insane drive to bring more and more Muslim immigrants into this country. Never mind 9-11. Never mind the Boston Marathon massacre. Never mind the numerous FBI interceptions of would be jihadists. Never mind those who have left the US to join the Jihad with the clear intent to bring it back to our shores.
Our government continues to actively sponsor a flood of Muslim immigrants to this country.
It pains me to say this because I am married to an immigrant, and I generally support immigration-something that has benefited our country immeasurably.
But something has gone horribly wrong.
Combine this with the flood of illegal immigrants and this is tantamount to a country losing its sovereignty. It also places the lives of American citizens in grave danger.
Is there anybody in Washington with any common sense?
That's what they said about all the Jewish immigrants arriving circa 1900, including a grandfather of mine. They said it earlier about the Irish too.