Thursday, November 27, 2014

Piers Morgan on Darren Wilson

Piers Morgan is one of the real dopes out there. Every time he opens his mouth, something dopey comes out. So it was this week when he appeared on  Access Hollywood with Billy Bush and Kit Hoover  and opined on the Ferguson grand jury decsion. He objected to Officer Wilson telling George Stepanopoulos in an interview that his conscience was clear.  Then he said that Officer Darren Wilson had carefully planned his testimony, and that he wasn't subjected to a cross examination as would have happened at a trial.  ( I am paraphrasing.) He also raised the case of Treyvon Martin and "re-convicted" George Zimmerman. Then he goes into his America and guns rant that he is famous for.

Did he read the transcripts???  Has he heard about how Officer Wilson's "carefully planned testimony" is supported by the evidence?

First of all, Morgan (a Brit) has little understanding of our legal system. It is a prosecutor's duty to decide if a person should be charged. First of all, he must decide if enough evidence exists to convince a trial jury beyond a reasonable doubt to convict. More importantly, if the evidence points to innocence, it would be an ethical and a moral malfeasance of office to take the case to trial. (Are you reading this, you Florida prosecutors who charged George Zimmerman?)

Morgan's views were echoed by fellow panelist Segun Oduolowu, an Access Hollywood contributor, who was also ignoring the evidence that the grand jury (6 whites and 3 blacks) had examined. According to Segun, Wilson had shot Brown to death for petty theft. No, he shot him to death for trying to take his gun away from him.

In the interest of full disclosure, my two children were friends and schoolmates of Segun and his younger brother when we lived in Northern Virginia in the 1990s. My son is still in contact with Segun's younger brother, and he has visited our home here in California on a couple of occasions. He is a fine young man, and I am sure Segun is as well. I just think he is not accepting the evidence that came out of the grand jury. Of course, he is not the only one.

One thing that is necessary to reiterate: When you try to take a cop's gun away from him, the whole idea of being unarmed goes out the window. That is what the evidence showed, not once, but twice, once in the car, and then outside the car when he tried to rush Wilson who had his gun drawn.

Access Hollywood should stick to blabbing about the private lives of Hollywood stars.

1 comment:

  1. Officer Wilson may well be innocent. George Zimmerman should have been convicted of some degree of homicide, definitely not first degree, probably not second degree, but certainly something along the line of contributory negligence.

    To each case, its own merits, based on the facts, not the Narrative.
