Sunday, November 16, 2014

Obama's Nancy Pelosi Moment in Brisbane

Hat tip Breitbart and Gateway Pundit

"Himmler? He was just some adviser who never worked on our staff."

As President Obama spoke before the press as part of the G-20 conference in Brisbane, Australia, the subject of Jonathan Gruber came up in a question. Obama tried to downplay Gruber's role in formulating Obamacare.

"...just some adviser who never worked on our staff."

Not only was this guy paid close to $400,000 for his services, but according to Gruber's  account on video, he was in the Oval Office with Obama when the problem of the so-called Cadillac Tax was "worked out".

Nancy Pelosi this past week claimed she didn't know who Gruber was even though she brought up his name, his analysis of Obamacare, and the fact that he was from MIT in 2009. That's all on tape as we now know. Now Obama tells reporters in Brisbane that Gruber was "just some adviser who never worked on our staff".


  1. Obama's legacy:
    Serial lier and Chief


  2. He also had another little-reported Brisbane "moment" while talking about immigration, executive actions, etc., wherein he observed that he had "at least two more years" left in which to do something. Probably just a slip of the tongue, but a more accurate statement would have been that he had "at MOST two more years".

    Unless, that is, he has pipedreams (plans??), a la Bill Clinton, of somehow skirting/violating the 22nd Amendment term limits and sticking around as President, as documented by one of Clinton's good friends of long standing. Maybe it was subconscious, or a "Freudian slip" of sorts??

  3. Actually, Elwood, he would love for the Republicans to try and impeach him. It would just boomerang like the Clinton impeachment did.
