Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jewish Federations Invite Questionable Speakers to National Convention

Leave it to the Jewish Federations to invite Joe Biden, Andrea Mitchell and Elena Kagan to their annual convention.

At this point, I will quote the words of LA-based writer, Janet Levy to describe the Federation's choice of speakers.

"The Jewish Federation invited VP Joe Biden to address their General Assembly meeting in Washington, D.C.  Biden, who recently referred to unscrupulous bankers who prey on the military as “shylocks” and was quick to blame Israel for “undermining trust” for building housing units in East Jerusalem (NOT firing missiles or blowing themselves up!), will headline the event.

Another invited speaker is Andrea Mitchell, who during the recent defensive war against Hamas and Fatah in Gaza, waxed sympathetic for Palestinian civilians, especially children, and wondered aloud (on national TV) if Israel was “losing its soul.”  Mitchell also voiced a knee-jerk but false observation (without substantiation) that the majority of civilian deaths during the war were caused by Israel.  

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who idolizes activist judge Aaharon Barak as her “judicial hero,” will participate in the Jewish Federation’s General Assembly meeting as well.

The Jewish Federation is the largest Jewish organization in North America comprising 157 Federations and 300 Network communities.  Between 30-50% of Jewish households in the U.S. contribute to JFed, which raises and distributes more than $3 billion annually.

The Federation has supported BDS organizations and has invited several of them to participate in the “Celebrate Israel” parade in New York.  JFed has promoted and helped finance a program that sends Jewish, Christian and Muslim college students to Israel to meet with Hamas, Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood operatives and indoctrinate them into believing that Israel is an apartheid, Nazi-like state that violates the rights of Arab-Palestinians and steals their land and water.  (On one such trip, students met with Hamas operative, Aziz Duwaik, who was twice arrested (and served jail time) by Israeli Defense Forces, once in connection to the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. 

The Jewish Federation did not participate in the recent protests of the Klinghoffer Opera at the Met in New York City."

Janet Levy,
Los Angeles
That's quite a record for the Jewish Federation. Well, I guess it's better than Jewish Voice for Peace, but pretty much on the level of J-Street, that bunch that calls itself pro-Israel but supports just about every Palestinian talking point.

I have an idea: Why don't they invite that anonymous source in the White House to speak-the one who called Bibi Netanyahu a coward?

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