Monday, September 29, 2014

Willful Blindness Rules Our Government

President Obama and Attorney General Holder continue to handcuff our police in trying to protect us from terror attacks even as those threats multiply given the recent events in Iraq and Syria, not to mention in Oklahoma. The order of the day is no racial profiling when it comes to terror. In other words, the FBI apparently must not consider anything with an Islamic aspect to it.

We have already seen it at Ft Hood, which to this day is classified as "workplace violence". At this point, the beheading in Oklahoma by a recent convert to Islam who had jihadist expressions and photos of beheadings all over his Facebook page is just another case of workplace violence. Maybe they will go back to 9-11 and find another convenient, fuzzy designation for that attack.

Oh yes. Man made disaster. I forgot.

We have already witnessed how US Muslim organizations like CAIR and MPAC have pressured the FBI to cut out all references to Islam in their training materials. God only knows what they are teaching those agents about the terrorism that plagues the world today. Eric Holder and his activist Justice Department have turned federal law enforcement upside down. Need I mention ATF and Operation Fast and Furious?


  1. It was recently local news that the religious authorities of the Islamic Center of Milwaukee were among the signators to a document explicitly stating that ISIS and its leadership have not legitimate authority to interpret the Qu'ran or Islam, that Muslims need to denounce and engage them on the meaning of precisely the passages they tend to cite. I was a little surprised to read that some CAIR leaders were also involved -- from reading Fousesquawk I never would have thought this could be.

    More interesting, it seems one of the few Americans who upholds ISIS's faux "Caliph" as a legitimate authority on Qu'ranic interpretation is Gary Fouse.

  2. Siarlys,

    It's called taking your enemies at their word. I wish our leaders would do the same. Don't forget, Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS holds a PhD in Islamic Studies.

  3. Why certainly, some fool puffing himself up on a Facebook Page, approved by elwood p suggins no less, is an undoubted authority. That's sort of like saying "It must be true, I read it on Wikipedia."

    Gary, did you take Hitler at his word that God wanted all ethnic Germans to be joined together in the Third Reich under his own domination? Why not?

  4. I wasn't alive when Hitler said that. No doubt I would have taken him at his word.

  5. Ah, then you would have been an isolationist, and a useful idiot to the German-American Bund.

    See what comes of taking your enemies at their word? I bet you would have favored deporting German nuclear physicists back to the Reich also.
