Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sweden: Is There Hope? Jimmie Åkesson and the Swedish Democrats

Åkesson: 'Islamism is the Nazism of our time'

Is Jimmie Åkesson the rising Geert Wilders of Sweden? Is he the man with his Swedish Democrats party who can stop the Islamic radicalism in Swedish society today? There is no question that he is against further Muslim immigration into Sweden. It is his position that the Muslims are not assimilating into Swedish society.

In the below article, Åkesson is featured in the English-language outlet, The Local. SE, arguing that Islamism is today's Nazism. This is what is being referred to as his summer speech and was just this week.

In the below video, Åkesson debates Göran Hägglund of the Christian Democrats on the question of immigration. It is in Swedish with English sub-titles.

Åkesson is a man who bears watching in Sweden.


  1. Why are you always harping on elections overseas where none of us have a vote? What about America?

    Here's one you should enjoy... Since you admired Mia Love so much, there is not a woman of partial African descent running in the Republican primary for one of the most conservative districts in Wisconsin. Tiffany Koehler is the name to google. She originally leaned Democratic, but reconsidered after the party declined to accept her efforts to organize a pro-life Democratic club.

  2. She sounds interesting. I hope she actually wins the seat, then Siarlys can report back to us as to whether she is a real conservative or a "closet"
    Dem (a sheep in wolves' clothing, as it were).
