Friday, August 29, 2014

Hold the Presses! Hillary Speaks Out on Ferguson

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

The last word about Ferguson can't be said until Her Nibs, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has had her say. And now she has shed light on a painful issue that only she, as president of the United States can fix.

“We can do better. We cannot ignore the inequalities that exist in our justice system, inequalities that undermine our most deeply held values of fairness and equality,”
“We can do better. We can work to rebuild the bonds of trust from the ground up,” Clinton said, adopting a careful, general tone that avoided casting blame on anyone.
“This is what happens when the bonds of trust and respect that hold any community together fray,” Clinton said.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say that Hillary is right about anything, and I still wouldn't trust her to be president, plus, there is little substantive proposal in her remarks, but as far as they go, she'd right.

    When a large part of the local population is enraged by a police officer shooting one person, to the point of weeks of nightly demonstrations, there is a fundamental breach between the local community and the police.

    Basic law enforcement suffers in that context, and of course it provides cover for all kinds of thugs.
