Sunday, August 31, 2014

George Galloway Gets His Butt Kicked

Hat tip College Insurrection

British comedian and prize fighter George Galloway being led back to his corner after a first round knockout

I preface this post by stating for the record that I would never condone violence.

Not even against the British banty rooster, George Galloway.

But it seems that George, who likes to brag about having been a boxer in his youth, met his match the other day.

Of course, I recall the night in 2009 when Galloway spoke at UC Irvine and called me a liar. Prior to that he warned anyone in the audience that if they wanted trouble, he was an amateur boxer, had hundreds of friends in the audience, and that it was a long way to the door, whatever that meant.

Maybe I should send George a get-well card.


  1. I left this comment at the Legal Insurrection website:

    Ben Judah @b_judah
    This puncher is a disgrace. I wish George Galloway a speedy recovery, and, in due time a complete political demise.

    I don’t condone violence but the damage has already been done and apparently he will recover but why wish him a speedy recovery…don’t you think he should suffer just a bit…a bit over six months is speedy enough for the likes of him…and I wouldn’t fret if it took a bit longer maybe he’ll get a rude awakening.

  2. Norman,

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

  3. Couldn't have happened to a more DESERVING guy.
