Monday, August 25, 2014

Does DOJ Have Lerner's E-Mails?

Here is the latest revelation in the on-going saga of Lois Lerner's missing IRS e-mails

This makes sense to me. Granted, I retired from DEA (1995) before we started using e-mails. Official written communications were in the form of investigative reports (DEA-6) or cables when speed was needed. However, it was never a case of just one agent or hqs official sending a written communication to another. For example, all reports or cables sent from the field included a copy to DEA hqs to the appropriate section. In addition, any communication or report sent to a field office would include a copy to that office's regional hqs. For example, If the DEA office in Oklahoma City sent a report or cable to the DEA office in Cincinnati, a copy would go not only to hqs but to Dallas and Detroit, which were the respective regional offices. Depending on the interest of other offices in a particular investigation, copies would also go to those offices as well-and their regional hqs offices. In other words, one official sending an e-mail should not have sole possession of those communications.

Memo to Congress: You are being stonewalled. Lois Lerner's e-mails are probably sitting in multiple places.

1 comment:

  1. All emails are stored forever. They have them and it will take a court to release thm.
