Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chris Matthews: Amnesty-Emancipation Proclamation

Hat tip Breitbart

It's laugh time at Fousesquawk, and that means Chris Matthews, who now is comparing Obama giving amnesty to illegal aliens to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.


  1. I don't know who is more ridiculous, Obama, or his slobbering admirer, Chris Mathews.

    Obama has accomplished NOTHING in six years, with or without majority control of the Congress.

    Every time "comprehensive" immigration goes to a vote, it loses. Look what happened to Marco Rubio's popularity figures after he proposed a comprehensive proposal. We have a legal process for immigration. The fact that many people have broken our immigration laws and are here illegally does not give them any rights that legal immigrants don't have.

    We must secure the border first. Next, we should put all our recent uninvited immigrates on planes and drop them off in their country they came from.

  2. Chris Matthews says idiotic things on the air, and Gary Fouse calls this news? Who do you think listens to this jerk anyway (besides you, I mean).

    Miggie, if you can't tell the difference, you need to see a neurologist. Obama accomplished the Affordable Care Act, and that's good enough for me if he does nothing else. You just don't like what he IS accomplishing.
