Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pro-Palestinians Recreate Sherman's March Through Atlanta (Sort of)

Hat tip Sue and John Speedie for audio

It never ceases to amaze me how certain people come to America and start acting like they own the place. Witness this clip of a pro-Palestinian march through Atlanta, where one of Yasir Arafat's disciples threatens a bystander filming the event. (Viewer warning: strong language and images of offensive people)


Now I would never advocate violence, but how sweet it would have been to see that mope relieved of his front teeth.


  1. They seem to feel that they come as conquerors that can compel us to accept their rules and their culture.

    Actually, they are supplicants of one or two generations who begged us to let them in.

    Now they have no idea of our culture and take advantage of it. They have no understanding of Freedom of Speech.

    I would deport every one who showed the slightest sign of being a trouble maker.

    Incidentally, quite a few are mixed in with the deluge of people breaching our southern border.

  2. I agree, and if any of those mopes arrested in LA were not citizens, I would give them some time in jail and deport them too.
