Sunday, July 27, 2014

Paul Weston Video: "I am a Racist"

Hat tip Miggie

Paul Weston is a British politician and activist who is outspoken on the topic of Islamic immigration into Britain and the threat of political Islam. because of that, he actually runs the risk of being prosecuted for incitement to hate or whatever the Brits call that absurd law they have. Weston is also labeled as an Islamophobe and a racist. In this video, he willingly accepts the label.

The video is an act of courage on Weston's part because he not only opens himself up to prosecution in the UK but also risks death due to his critical comments about Islam as apolitical ideology. He has made the decision, however, that the risks must be taken in defense of free speech and in defense of the future of Britain. Indeed. Britain is facing the prospect of a religious civil war in the next generation of two as is much of Western Europe-not because the Brits or the Europeans are necessarily racists, but because so many Muslims in Europe have nothing but contempt for the societies to which they have chosen to immigrate. Yet, nobody is willing to accuse them or bigotry toward those who hold other religions.

I have long observed that we have a different situation in America with our Muslim immigrants because most who came here did so as educated professionals as opposed to those in Europe. Yet, given what I have observed on our streets in recent days with the anti-Israel protests and the fact that some American Muslims, like European Muslims, are running off to join the jihad in Syria and Iraq, it only confirms my suspicion that we are only a few years behind Europe.

All Western societies are going to have to face some hard choices in the coming years as to this problem, some of which may run counter to our principles of equal rights and welcoming of immigrants. The world situation with Islam has made it so. Sooner or later, we have to choose whether we want to survive as free democracies or surrender. In the meantime, we must do as Weston has done. We must speak out and not worry about who calls us "Islamophobes" or "racists". We know what we are, and we know what we are not. We are facing the most intolerant and violent force since Nazi Germany threatened the world. We are going to need to same will to resist it.

We can start by re-affirming our support of Israel.


  1. Siarlys,

    Did you listen to what the man said? Do you hacve any clue as to what is happening in the UK and the rest of Europe?

  2. I don't often get called a racist, but when I do, I know that I have just won an argument with an Obama/Holder supporter.

  3. P.S.--
    Siarlys Jenkins said... If the year's largest anti-Semitic hate event draws about a thousand people, I don't think we have much to worry about.
    July 26, 2014 at 9:09 PM

    I did a little post the other day on the total number of Muslims in the world and the U.S., as well as the percentages/numbers of those who support radical Islam, al Quaeda, etc., which of course is now relegated to the dead-letter file.

    In that regard and to condense it down a little bit more (and Siarlys will probably call me a racist for this), I believe the single most significant area of racism in America, alleged or otherwise, revolves around black people.

    According to "", the U.S. has a total of about 6.67 million resident Muslims. According to Pew, I believe, blacks comprise about 25%, or about 1.7 million of this population.

    While I admittedly do not exactly recall the identity of yet another source (and I cannot find it again), it indicated that some 16-25% of Muslims worldwide supported radical/extreme Islam. Its other numbers coincided well with both Pew and the Carnegie Institute.

    What this again translates to is that nationally, of the total radical Muslim population (of all races) of 1.1-1.7 million, we most likely have something like 272,000-425,000 radical/extreme black Muslims alone. This is, of course, the equivalent of the population of a fair-sized city (I am located about 200 miles from any city of this size), so I consider it to be a significant number.

    Siarlys may not find this worrisome, but I do to at least some extent. Perhaps he should get his head out of wherever it is stuck (either in the sand or up the distal end of his digestive system/alimentary canal??) and realize the problem.

  4. elwood, I consider Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, the 27th Street Mob, the Mexican Mafia, the Sinaloa Cartel, and active Muslim supremacists a problem. I do not consider any of them likely to dominate the United States in the forseeable future.

    Your extrapolation fails to account for the distribution of jihadis among the world wide Muslim population. For instance, I would bet that the percentage is larger in Syria, smaller in the USA.

    Gary, everything the man said could be true, and his statement "I am a racist" would justify my observation. You highlighted in in your headline, its not merely a footnote.
