Monday, July 28, 2014

Nancy Pelosi "Weighs in" on the Gaza Fighting

Hat tip Blazing Cat Fur

"And we have to confer with the Qataris, who have told me over and over again that Hamas is a humanitarian organization..."

Yes, Nancy. We must confer with Qatar, a state that supports terrorist organizations like Hamas.

Why don't we confer with Iran and North Korea while we are at it?


  1. We have to get used to a brand new set of allies and enemies. This foreign policy overall has embolden our traditional enemies and alienated our long term allies.

    That's what you get when you elect an amateur, who is a left wing ideologue on top of that, not to mention overconfidence in of his ability to persuade.

  2. Nancy has never impressed me as being particularly bright. She sometimes makes my wish there were sane, intelligent, thoughtful Republicans to vote for. I'm sure that there are sane, intelligent, thoughtful Republicans, but it is quite evident they are not running for office.

    John Boehner or Nancy Pelosi.... give us Barrabas.

  3. I would not believe what I heard, when Pelosi (you have to sign it to read it) told Candy Crowley of CNN that Hamas is a "Humanitarian organization". But she did say it, as Crowley corrected her by saying that they are a terrorist group. Only the far-left, progressives and the "useful idiots" would believe her. What is worse is that Pelosi is the minority leader of the House.The following are two URLs that point to Hamas inhumanity to Gaza civilians:

    Link to Hamas using woman, children and citizens as human shields, including schools and mosques to hide weapons and shoot rockets


  4. I must add that Miggie can make Nancy look absolutely brilliant by comparison... which is no compliment to Nancy.
