Monday, July 28, 2014

Israel and Washington Clash Over John Kerry "the Diplomat"

Officially, Washington and Jerusalem will try to put a happy face on it, but John Kerry has clearly worn out his welcome in Israel with his incessant demands for an immediate cease-fire that doesn't even halt the rocket attacks and tunnel incursions from Hamas. Kerry's cease fire would merely save Hamas' bacon so they could regroup and live to fight another day. Thus, Kerry looks good, gets a Nobel Peace Prize, and Israel faces the same dangers as before.

"It's simply not the way partners and allies treat each other," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said."

True enough, Jen, but I would turn that statement around back at Kerry.

What demands has Kerry made upon Hamas? Why did Kerry go to Paris to negotiate a cease-fire with everybody but Israel including Qatar and Turkey hardly countries sympathetic to Israel? Talk about a slap in the face.


  1. John Kerry is either one of the most stupid Government employees or he is anti-Semitic, following the dictates of Obama who sat in the BLT congregation listening to Rev. Wright, the anti-Semite, for 20 years.
    All Kerry had to do is stay in Washington and called
    the diplomates of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and some other U.S. friendly Arab nations and get a consensus to pressure Hamas to stop the war. Or, if Hamas does not, these Arab nations would give Israel the go ahead to proceed with wiping Hamas out, which is what they all want.
    But stupid goes to France to meet with Turkey and Qatar, both Israel haters to push Israel into an unacceptable cease fire.
    In the mean time, Turkey is starting another flotilla like the one in 2010, to break the blockade and Qatar's Imam stated this about Israel: Qatari imam prays about the Jews: “Count them one by one, and kill them to the very last one.”
    So, Kerry is either stupid or an anti-Semite, or both.


  2. Squid,

    It is clear that Obama and Kerry are hostile to Israel. How they can even try to be even-handed (which they are not) between our ally and a terrorist organization is astounding.

  3. I must say that when the Hamas military commander announces that there will be no cease fire until its demands are met, it is rather like Adolf Schickelgruber announcing from his bunker in Berlin in 1945 that Germany will not grant the Allies a cease fire until his demands are met in full...
