Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ISIS Massacres Hundreds of Shia in Tikrit

Hat tip Gateway Pundit

isis victims

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Just another day in the neighborhood, Folks. In the latest video released by ISIS they execute hundreds of Shia in the Iraqi city of Tikrit.


And predictably, among the followers of ISIS, it is a YouTube smash.

These scenes are a carbon copy of how the Nazis massacred Jews in the Soviet Europe before they perfected the gas chambers. They rounded them up, trucked them to their execution site, and shot them to death to be dumped in mass graves.

The term Islamofascism does not do justice to what these savages are doing. Only the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge matched this barbarity.

Keep in mind this is Sunni Muslims killing Shi'ite Muslims. What do you think they would do to the Israelis if they could?

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to convince us that ISIS are bad guys? OK, we're convinced. That wasn't hard, was it?
