That's the situation on our southern border as Central American families and children continue to show up spurred on by the belief that President Obama has laid out the welcoming mat for them. Todd Starnes of Fox news has the report.
Meanwhile protests and counter protests continue at the Murrietta (Ca) Border Patrol station north of San Diego, where immigrants are being taken for processing. There is a lot of screaming back and forth on both sides. I would hope that the protests could be done in a civil manner. While I sympathize with the anti-illegal immigration demonstrators, you know that the media is going to do whatever they can to paint them as racists. Be civil and emphasize the rule of law.
And don't forget to vote in November. This mess is Obama's making as well as his party.
Expect epidemics of diseases we haven't seen in a while. TB, polio, plague. The poor man's nuke.