Saturday, June 28, 2014

"What is Bengazi?" Great News for Hillary Clinton

Hat tip MRC, Allen West and Miggie

The Media Research Center went to George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia  and asked students, "What is Benghazi?" The results are truly scary, but great news for Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations.

This is what we call the low information voters. It doesn't say much for our universities, our media, or our culture, for that matter.


  1. Gary has been screaming "Benghazi" for months, and nobody is outraged. Aw gee.

  2. "The Nation that wants to be ignorant and free, has never been and will never be"
    Thomas Jefferson


  3. Tell THAT to your Tea Party friends. They should at least learn some history and current events, in factual detail, before they go spouting off.
