Saturday, June 28, 2014

"Tyrant": Fox Refuses to Buckle From CAIR Bullying

I have received the below message from the Florida Family Association regarding the refusal of Fox to buckle under pressure from CAIR regarding Fox's new series, "Tyrant".

Without viewing the show, I understand that it is about an Arab doctor in the US who travels back to his native country (a mythical nation) with his American wife and children to attend a family wedding. His father is the president of the country, and it seems this country fits perfectly into the mold of an Arab dictatorship. Then appropriately lies the problem with CAIR, who maintain that the show presents negative images of Arabs and Muslims.I have no idea how Islam enters into the program, but if the show portrays events as they are on-going in the Middle East now, what's the issue? Is it offensive to show despotism and violence in an Arab country? Sorry, but that's just the plain simple reality..

Kudos to Fox for not bending to CAIR's bully tactics. Hopefully, that resistance will continue. CAIR needs to learn that in America we have something called the First Amendment-something they would like to crush.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds more like the script is modeled on the Hussein or Assad regime, than on any sort of Islamic Republic or Caliphate. Bashar Assad was happily practicing opthalmology in London before his older brother killed himself in a car crash, and daddy called younger son home to become the heir apparent. I've always suspected Bashar would have preferred to practice medicine, just as Rajiv Gandhi would have preferred to spend his life as an airline pilot.

    CAIR needs to learn the same lesson certain comedians offered to VP Dan Quayle about the script of "Murphy Brown." The show is fiction. Let a hundred flowers bloom, as Mao said on one of his better days.
