Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Sue (Rice) "Clarifies" Her Remarks

Hat tip Hot Air

After Susan Rice made another astounding statement on the Sunday talk shows (Remember the video protest?) after Bowe Bergdahl's release by telling George Stephanopoulos that Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction", she compounded her error by "explaining" what she really meant. In this latest interview, Sunday Sue was cornered by a reporter at the D-Day ceremony. (What on earth was she doing there?) Hot Air has the interview along with the exact quote of what she originally said about Bergdahl.

Lame? You be the judge. These are the clowns that Obama has around him advising him on national security (Rice, Jim Clapper, John Brennan).

And isn't it ironic that Rice stands there at Normandie, overlooking Omaha Beach and the graves of thousands of Americans who really did serve with honor and distinction and try to justify her comments about Bergdahl?


  1. They found a patsy would is willing to lie on national TV over and over.

    Insofar as immediacy is concerned, let's not forget the truism that "Expediency is the excuse of tyrants."

    WE have seen that excuse over and over in this administration in one scandal after another.

  2. I recall a great old 70's song, "Send in the Clowns", done by Sinatra, Judy Collins, and many others. Maybe it should be the theme song of this bunch.

  3. I wouldn't have believed that Sinatra and Collins would have done the same song, but through the miracle of Google and YouTube, I confirmed that elwood is absolutely correct. Written by Steven Sondheim... I guess that's the common denominator?

    Now, what does this mean? I never heard a more apolitical song, and I had trouble even tracing the pathos of a romantic break-up in the rather abstract words. Not sure the song signifies anything. I was starting to think "Send in the clowns" was about the deterioration of the Vietnam War, but apparently it isn't, not at all.

    I did see a great cartoon in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that showed a clown with a droopy face carrying a little toy horn, saying "Obama traded five Guantanamo prisoners for a POW. Why wasn't I consulted?" The clown is labeled "Congress."

    (Or maybe elwood has inside information that Mr. Rice has filed for divorce?)

  4. The title Siarlys, the title. And yes, I know that the "clowns" herein were actually fools, not circus clowns.

  5. elwood, are you referring to our brave soldiers as "clowns"???
