Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nonie Darwish on Islamic Values in the West

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

Nonie Darwish is an Egyptian-American apostate from Islam. In this piece for Frontpage Magazine she analyzes the conflict between Islamic values in the West.

I have also noted this convoluted argument by stealth jihadists in the US that says that sharia law is compatible with the US Constitution and that the best environment for Islam is in America. In a word, it doesn't make sense. It is Judeo-Christian values that have helped shape what America has become and Islamic values are in conflict. How can America be the best environment for an ideology that does not recognize a separation between religion and the State? How can a pluralistic society based on freedom of religion be the best environment for an ideology that preaches war against other faiths? How can America be the best environment for an ideology that does not recognize women as equals?

I could go on and on about apostasy blasphemy and homosexuality under Islam and how that is supposed to exists in harmony with American freedoms. None of it makes any sense unless Muslim immigrants were leaving the religion in droves as soon as they arrived, which they are not. The only explanation that makes sense is that the stealth jihadists here are engaging in taquiyya in an effort to gradually eliminate our freedoms that conflict with Islamic teachings. The ultimate-albeit very long range- goal is to make Islam dominant in the West.


  1. This claiming that other cultures are or were Islamic is a well known tactic of the ROP.

    They are currently promoting the notion, I kid you not, that Jesus was a Palestinian Muslim! Forget that he lived some 600 years before the religion of Islam.

    Of course, part of their problem in all this is the historical record. There is a practice in Islam called "Tams al-ma'alem" meaning "erasing the signs" in the sense of destroying the relics of all cultures that preceded Islam.
    Destroying the ancient Buddhas is only one example. The Church of the Nativity and the Tomb of the Patriarchs are more of many examples.

    The issue is no more intense than in Israel where the ROP sought to destroy the archeological remains of Jewish temples and the treasure trove of artifacts under the Temple Mount.

    The only one is actually taken in by all this BS is Barack Obama. He said in his first foreign speech in Cairo (I suppose he thought that tyranny was our most important ally). He said,

    "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's story.... And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States..."

    Personally, I know of no Muslims signing the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. I don't know of any achievements whatsoever they have contributed to the U.S.(Unless you count the necessity of forming the Dept of Homeland Security), much less "enriching"the US. And the ROP fought on the German side AGAINST the US in both WW1 and WW11.

    So our President is uninformed even is recent US history as well as severely mistaken about the ROP.

  2. Anonymous,

    You are forgetting something. Christianity and Judaism experienced the Enlightenment in Europe, something that Islam did not. Those passages are gathering dust while what is written in the Koran and the Hadith (and hudud sharia) are still acted upon-daily I might add in Islamic countries. I don't think you want to get into a discussion about the 4 male witnesses, do you?

    Here in the US (and Europe) rape is punishable upon conviction by a prison sentence. If you have the right kind of judge it is a long prison sentence. It cannot be bought off by pieces of silver, just as a murder conviction cannot be nullified by a payment to the aggrieved family or a pardon by the aggrieved family. This latter fact really shocked a Saudi law student who was studying here in the US when I told him that.

    As for your last example, we have moved on from that since they are not even considered criminal offense.

    In other words, we kept the good and discarded the bad in the West. Things are not perfect, but we are sure better off than those who have to live under sharia law.

  3. Anonymous,

    Today, the Jews and Christians and all the rest of U.S. citizens settle their issues in civil court and pre-neps and divorce court. Modernity prevails with civilized individuals. Can that be said of medieval Sharia that continues to be implemented today?


  4. @ Anonymous

    As Squid pointed out, you can find anything in the Bible, good or bad by modern day standards. The point is that the rest of the civilized world has moved on from the laws and customs in the tribal, biblical, times.

    The Muslims have not. You have honor killings, mutilations, beheadings, and murder on a daily basis for a variety of reasons, including simply being the wrong kind of Muslim .... while there is not one single episode of anyone put to death by Jews because he slept with a history.

    The Bible is a Guide to proper behavior while the Koran is a working excuse book for killing all those who are "other."

    You write English, Anonymous, so I assume you live here. Take a look around and see if life compares with life in the chaos in the Middle East. Would you have the same freedom? Would you have the same opportunity?

    Obviously you prefer to live here because you remain here. Why even attempt to make this place like the same chaos you came from?

    Then again, if none of this makes sense to you and you hate Judeo-Christian values, by all means go back to where you came from or your parents came from and enjoy the tender mercies of Allah in your native country. You cite verses from the Bible but there are plenty of current pictures of men being hung in Muslim countries because they were determined to be homosexual.

    Gary - You should set up a fund on your website to pay for all Muslims who want to go back home... provided they swear never to come back. Anyone who wants can contribute and you figure out a way to satisfy us that they won't be back.

  5. I continue to marvel at the reformation of American conservatives by the presence of jihadis in the world: Promoting apostasy and blasphemy, defending homosexuality, consorting with Jews and accepting them as full citizens, promoting the Enlightenment... all utterly unprecedented for conservatives.

    Miggie... look up how the Qu'ran deals with Jesus. Its actually kind of funny, God interrogating him "by my will you did this and that, now did you tell people to worship you and your mother?" No Muslim could mistake him for a Palestinian Muslim. You made that up -- which seems to be true of most of the assertions you offer here.

    Gary, there is a heartfelt comment from an Afghani Muslim at The American Conservative pointing out that the haddith are texts of no legitimacy at all, many of them directly contrary to the Qu'ran, but in later centuries, those who found it convenient made them up.

  6. As I understand it, Islamic scholars are always researching the validity of this or that hadith.

  7. "You made that up -- which seems to be true of most of the assertions you offer here."
    Typically, this ignoramus attacks the messenger instead of checking whether or not the message is true. Its cognitive inflexible as well as simply stupid.
    In his Christmas message last year, Mahoud Abbas described Jesus as a "Palestinian messenger." In the same month,the PA's chief negotiator, Said Erekat, who had called Jesus as "Palestine's first martyr" said Jesus was " the first Palestinian after the Canaanite Palestinians."
    Adel Abd Al Rahman, a Fatah advisor wrote:
    "Jesus, May he rest in peace, is a Canaanite Palestinian. His resurrection, three days after being crucified and killed by the Jews.... reflects the Palestinian narrative, which struggles against the decedents of modern Zionist Judaism, in its new colonial form, that conspires with Western capitalists who claim to belong to Christianity."

    I could go on but it is a waste of time to prove anything to some idiot on the internet who resorts to insults instead of checking the statement.

  8. "Christianity and Judaism experienced the Enlightenment in Europe"

    If that is indeed true, then Dopey Gary should conclude than American/Western values are based on Enlightened Values and not Judeo-Christian Values.

  9. Anonymous,

    Dopey is sitting up at 2:26 am making anonymous comments on Gary's blog while Gary is sleeping.

  10. The difference between "Enlightened" values and Judeo/ Christian values is a distinction without a difference.

  11. Not really Miggie.

    "The Age of Enlightenment" was also known as "The Age of Reason".

    Reason is the opposite of Religion.

    Enlightenment stresses reason and individualism while religion stresses dogma and theocratic tribalism.

    Two of the most central figures in the Age of Enlightenment (Voltaire and Spinoza) were vehemently critical of Christianity, Judaism, and the Bible.

    Educate Yourself. You sound almost as dopey as the Fouse.

  12. Anonymous,

    What the age of Reason/Enlightenment did was push Christianity and Judaism to find an accommodation and adjust, for lack of a better word. That never happened with Islam, unfortunately.

    I have never read the works of the philosophers because I could never make sense of them. I did learn a bit about Voltaire when researching my last book. He was apparently a bit of a flake.

    But at least he signed his name to his works.

  13. Uh... Miggie... you notice all those speeches you mention refer to Jesus as a Palestinian... but NOT as a Muslim?

    You always get caught in mendacity like that. Which is why I take anything you say with a grain of salt. When pressed for evidence, you provide evidence which disproves your own point. Which suggests you are probably not too bright either, even if you had the capacity to export American jobs to Haiti back in the day.

  14. Siarlys may be the only adult alive that doesn't know that Islam claims Jesus was a Muslim. I refer you to a standard Muslim website.

    I'm not wasting anymore of my time responding to someone who continues to write about things he knows nothing about in order to demean. He checks nothing and spews insults.

    Vomit out all you want from here on out. I hope not to see it but if I do I will ignore it. Waste all the time you want on your school bus route breaks, I've got other things to do.

  15. What Islam claims, Miggie, is that Jesus was a legitimate prophet of God, but not the Son of God, and that he is not to be worshipped, because he is only a prophet. Islam, of course, teaches that Muhammad was the last and final prophet. Naturally, viewing Islam as the highest revelation of the one and only God's teaching, they consider Jesus to have been a subordinate prophet within that teaching. Which is different from saying he was a Muslim, since there were no Muslims before Muhammad. Duh.
