Thursday, June 26, 2014

LA City Council Member Bob Blumenfield Article in Daily Bruin

Hat tip Daily Bruin

LA City Council Member Bob Blumenfield has written a piece appearing in the Daily Bruin, UCLA's campus paper. It expresses his concern over the recent attempts by campus anti-Israel activists to push an "ethics pledge" that would be signed by student government candidates that they would not travel to Israel on trips sponsored by certain pro-Israel organizations.

I give kudos to Blumenfield for opposing this pressure tactic and for helping bring more awareness of the problem of anti-Semitism on the UCLA campus.


  1. Bravo to Bob Blumenfield for pointing out the Jew hatred of anti-Semitic SJP members attempting to intimidate pro-Isreal students at UCLA.


  2. You enjoy these nightmares, don't you Findalis? Are you some kind of political masochist? Anyone knocked on your door lately and told you that you have three days to sell all your cattle and move to Chicago? Oh, wait, you're already in Chicago.

  3. There was a time Siarlys when a Jew could walk on a campus wearing a kippah (yamaka) and not get attacked. Today the brown shirts will attack the poor man faster than you can say Heil Hitler!

  4. Where? Has this happened in your neighborhood recently? (I see yarmulkes almost any time I go on a college campus, unless its Catholic, in which case Jews generally aren't draw to the curriculum.

    A California Jew is someone who thinks a yarmulke is a Japanese motorcycle.
