Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hillary's Greatest Hits

Attention music lovers! Now is your chance to get all your favorite Hillary Clinton hits all in one CD. The world's smartest singer has just released all her hits just in time for the upcoming presidential election. Just imagine all the hours of listening pleasure you can enjoy with the hits that made Hillary famous.

Hits like these:

Ramblin' Rose Law Firm
Me and Paula Jones
Little Rock Around the Clock
Don't Mess With Bill
Good Golly Miss Dolly
Along Came Paula Jones
What Difference at This Point Does a Day Make?
Blame it on the Bossa Nova Video

and many more.

When Hillary sings, she sings with passion, a passion only one who knows of the tears, the broken hearts, and the broken lives she has left behind her.

So what are you waiting for? Order your copy today while supplies last.

Price $200,000 per copy.

1 comment:

  1. I imagine if Hillary sang, it would sound like chalk screeching on a slate.
