Sunday, June 29, 2014

British Islamic Preacher Explains the Role on Non-Muslims in the Islamic State

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

This is what the Brits are putting up with.

Abu Waleed, a Muslim preacher in the UK, explains what life will be like for non-Muslims in an Islamic state, which he envisions Britain becoming.

At least he's honest. Not like these stealth jihadists we have in the US who don't dare say these things in front of a non-Muslim or inter-faith audience but who believe the same thing nonetheless..

If any of you Muslim Student Union members at UC Irvine are reading this, please-please bring this guy to speak at UCI.


  1. Miggie,

    My anonymous bloggers do not debate the charges against Islamic practices and atrocities. They try to argue that Christianity and Judaism do the same things. That is how weak their arguments are.

  2. Ah, the moral equivalency argument. I know it well.

    The problem is that it is never close to equivalence. Compare daily Muslim outrages around the world to some event decades or centuries ago or to some obscure writing that was never followed in practice.
    When was the last time Israel kidnapped and murdered three innocent teenagers?

    Oh yeah, I forgot that they use the blood of Christian children to make Passover matzo. I bet over 90% of the Muslim world still believes that ... without a shred of evidence.

  3. I am pleased to see Gary Fouse standing up for the Charter of the United Nations.

    As for the cretin in the video clip, yup, he's being honest, just like George Lincoln Rockwell, and he's about as much of a threat. (Hypothetically, he could become as much of a threat as his brother David Duke, but not likely).

    As for the haddith, the most cursory analysis of this presentation shows how unreliable haddith are. They rely on someone saying that someone said that someone said that the prophet said. Kind of like the apocryphal tale of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, except not so innocuous.
