Monday, June 30, 2014

Abducted Israeli Teenagers Found Murdered

Today we learn that the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped near Hebron have been found murdered. One of them held dual Israeli-US citizenship.

I don't know as yet whether the bodies showed signs of torture or what the cause of death was. Of course, knowing the nature of Hamas, it is likely they were tortured.

What follows now? I expect the Israelis will retaliate against Hamas as they should. They will be blamed for "over reacting" and any deaths of civilians that result. Hamas will orchestrate casualties to demonstrate to an eager Western media that Israel is killing innocent Palestinians as they (Israelis) try to kill the terrorists with precision strikes.

John Kerry and Barack Obama will call for an end to hostilities and renewed negotiations. The pro-Palestinian lefties in the US and Europe will demonstrate on behalf of the Palestinian savages who respect no life.

This should serve as a lesson to the West that Israel is dealing with an evil enemy-one that has no love for us either. Nor do I have much sympathy for the average Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank. I can imagine that they are dancing in the streets and passing out candy in the time-honored Palestinian tradition. This is the difference between people who fight for a just cause and those that are simply Jew-hating, blood-thirsty terrorists. It is the terrorists who kill indiscriminately. It matters not if their victims are men, women or children.

British Prime Minster David Cameron has denounced the killings. As yet, I am unaware of anything coming out of the White House even though one of our citizens is one of the victims.

It is my hope that Israel goes in and cleans out Hamas once and for all. Sooner or later, the day of reckoning is going to come.

*Update: The Jewish Journal is reporting that it appears that the three victims were shot shortly after their abduction.

* Update: President Obama has issued a statement, which is (partially) contained in the below link.


  1. Menachem Begin spoke to his own generation but he still speaks to us today, saying, “They want a holy war. We will give them a holy war.”

    Enough with peace talks. The Arabs don't want peace. Let their mothers start crying for once!

  2. Anonymous,

    I deleted your anti-Semitic rant just as I should have deleted your previous rants. Go find a blog more suited to your tastes. I suggest La voz de Aztlan. I am sure you are familiar with it. (I suspect you are the editor.)

    I don't respect you because of your hate and the fact that you hide your identity. If you had any courage you would put your name behind your sick beliefs.

    You are done here.

  3. They will be blamed for "over reacting" and any deaths of civilians that result.

    As they should. Collateral damage is not justice. Findalis has just disqualified herself from serving as a judge at any level in any capacity, but fortunately, she is not rumored to have been under consideration.

    Collective punishment is always wrong -- or is Findalis a closet Stalinist?

  4. Findalis is not only bitter and misanthropic, now she's hallucinating.

    Killing three teens is not OK. Declaring war on several million people to avenge those three teens is also not OK. Taking out Hamas infrastructure and chain of command might be OK, but collateral damage is not.

    Gary, define "those people." Your use of the categorical opens you up to plausible condemnation as a racist, using the term clinically rather than as an epithet. 'You are one of THEM, therefore your individual characteristics are of no consideration.'
