Saturday, March 29, 2014

The BDS Wars Rage on at UCLA

Hat tip Daily Bruin

This week's Daily Bruin is featuring an exchange of viewpoints between Jewish and Muslim students on the current boycott, divest and sanctions movement against Israel at UCLA (BDS). Below, I am posting a column by Miriam Eshaghian, an anti-BDS student who participated in an earlier column with two other students on the topic in the Daily Bruin. They were criticized by a pro-BDS student from Students for Justice in Palestine based on the idea that the paper should have divulged that the three were members of Hasbara, a pro-Israel organization. (That letter to the Daily Bruin is linked.) As usual, I have added my comment to the reader thread, which is quite lively and includes back and forths among the four individuals.


  1. What I wonder is whether campus life in general really is consumed by these little wars of words. Sure, those with deep passions are giving operatic performances, but what percentage of the student body or faculty are really paying attention? There have always been a certain number of crazies, and in the current era, they tend to find political frameworks for expression. Like I always say about Whittaker Chambers, he was a deeply troubled soul, whether that led him to communism or anti-communism, and he was a sorry spectacle either way. (Cf. that sobbing cretin after BDS was voted down, the girl who was crying like the world just came to and end).

  2. Hi Siarlys,

    Pop open a Schlitz and ponder this. As small as you seem to think this BDS movement may be in your minds eye, think of of the little failed artist, Corporal in Germany, who was jailed for civil unrest and wrote a little book (My Struggle) that shaped anti-Semitism in Europe. It was a very small movement at first, which German citizens laughed at, especially the Jews who lived in Berlin. This little Nazi group grew because of unrest in the country and became Hitler's Army.
    These little BDS groups are many, on many college and university campuses, rallied by the MSA and other Socialist types. The poorer economic conditions in America can easily spur these factions and blame them on the Jews, which they are doing. Hitler used the same tactic. As Gary puts it, Brownshirts tactics are being used as we speak.
    But alas, just have another Schlitz.


  3. Sorry Squid, I never developed a taste for alcohol. I used to say "I'm too lazy to acquire a taste for any vice I don't like the first time I try it." Saved me from smoking too, although I never wanted to even try it.

    Yes, the little corporal went places, but that's because the ideology he put forth had deep roots in German culture, history, politics, and the military establishment. True, all kinds of institutions thought they would use him, and he outfoxed them all, using them for his own ends. But I really don't see BDS resonating with American culture, politics, average Joe concerns. Eventually, Hitler won elections, with millions of votes, and the last time there was a real election, even won a plurality.

    Every little faction that makes noise is not a new Hitler.
