Hat tip Daily Caller
If Professor Lawrence Torcello of the Rochester Institute of Technology had his way, people like me would be in jail.
"We'll drink to that!"
Let me start over. The learned professor has written a 900 page document (which should tell you something about him right there) that calls Climate Change denial a negligent crime-or some such rot. Accordingly, if you don't agree with Climate Change, you belong in the slammer.
And as the professor states, people are already dying from Climate Change. Probably folks who didn't bother to buy an overcoat for those Rochester winters because they bought into Global Warming.
Green Bay too.
This reminds me of professors would sit at their desks doing a lot of paper research and never moving from the desk to examine empirical evidence. If this Professor looked outside to see the record snow and the record low temperatures and the record Spring snow and low temperatures (in the past 50 years) and the frozen Great Lakes (over 80 years) and the folks who had to switch to burning wood to keep warm (high costs of fuel or lack of it), the Prof. may have come up with empirical evidence to scuttle the biased paper. But think, who funded this un-scientific garbage.