Thursday, March 27, 2014

IRS Continues to Stonewall Issa

It doesn't matter who is in charge of IRS. They are going to stonewall the House investigation into the targeting of conservative groups. Yesterday, it was new IRS commissioner John Koskinen. He defiantly informed the committee that it would take years to turn over Lois Lerner's emails on the case as well as those of 5 other top officials. Below are reports on the day from the LA Times, UPI, and the Huffington Post. Note the difference in the reporting.,0,7314767.story?track=rss#axzz2xAtr2UBe

Interestingly, here is the liberal Huffington Post's take on the hearing. They say Koskinen "crushed" the Republicans. Yet they did not mention that Republicans were demanding the e-mails of Lois Lerner and 5 other top IRS officials involved in the matter. Lerner's name is not even mentioned.

Years? Really? Koskinen is going to look pretty silly if we find Malaysian 370 in the next few days or even weeks.

As a former DEA employee, I can tell you that when Congress merely sends a letter over requesting information, a priority is put on it by the people in Hqs. To say that it will take years to locate, review and redact certain information in the emails of 6 high-ranking people in the organization is absurd on its face.

Even in Freedom of Information requests from the public, they cannot be ignored. They must be processed, redacted, and sent out or refused with proper legal justification. In some cases, entire pages are redacted. It doesn't take two or three years. There are time limits.

This is pure Nixonian-style abuse and  corruption of our federal agencies by an outlaw admnsitration with an outlaw Justice Department and a Congress with enough protective Democrats like Elijah Cummings and Harry Reid to succeed where Nixon failed.


  1. How about throwing a bunch of them into prison for contempt of Congress? We would see those emails faster in no time.

  2. The far left new media will always support the corruption in this Administration. Obama and his appointees will lie to your face. With that said, the MSM is inclined to whitewash the news, because it is enabled by a corrupt Administration.
    The HuffPo is one of the most far left media organs on the planet. they have funding from the Soros groups.

    As far as the Republicans in this matter, they have all the power to subpoena and make a demand for all the documents today! A subpoena is a subpoena. It is the Republicans who have no testicular tissue that is the problem here. They should use the power of the subpoena and throw the criminals in jail, as Findalis said


  3. Issa deserves only one response: Have you no shame sir? At long last have you no shame?

    (Miggie, there is no "far left" in this country. I sometimes wish there were, but there isn't.)

  4. As I understand it, and I am always prepared to be corrected (I still have that old crow staked out in case I have to cut a slice off of him), Congress can indeed hold people in contempt (a misdemeanor), as it in fact did with Holder. Further, I believe that the Sergeant-of-Arms of the particular house can "attach"/arrest the body of that individual.

    Howsomever, what happens next is that the case is referred to the U.S. Attorney, in this instance probably for the District of Columbia, for prosecution. Anyone want to bet how soon that will happen??

    The only other avenue I can see is a referral to the Office of Special Counsel, which is charged with investigating alleged misconduct in the executive branch. This office is, however, located within DOJ; conflicts aside, I just can't see Holder allowing his own agency to investigate himself or anyone else, even if the mechanics/logistics could be worked out.

  5. elwood, congress's power to issue contempt citations is limited by:

    a) those constitutional provisions which restrain government trampling the the protected rights of citizens (rights a congressional citation may or may not violate), and,

    b) the delineation of what is properly a prerogative of the executive branch. There is such a thing -- the executive is not a mere creature of congress, but it is not a law unto itself either.

    Issa is running a personal vendetta, not a campaign for good government.
