Hat tip Campus Reform
(I didn't realize there was an elephant involved, but he strikes me as a bit too violent. Maybe we should complain and the university will take him down.
Political correctness is alive even in Alabama-at least at the University of Alabama. When a pro-life group put up a display showing images of aborted fetuses, someone complained to the administration-and voila! Display comes down. Campus Reform has the report.
Very interesting. Every year at UC Irvine, the Muslim Student Union erects a mock wall (simulating the defensive wall Israel has erected to keep out suicide bombers. They call it the apartheid wall.) On that wall, they have lots of images. One year they showed a caricature of Ariel Sharon (above) drawn in the old Nazi style of Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer. Another feature of the wall is a photo of Rachel Corrie's corpse after she was killed while trying to block a bulldozer demolishing a terrorist house on the West Bank.
So I wonder if there is any comparison here. After all, people could be offended about a graphic photo of a dead Rachel Corrie. I will not post that photo.
(I should add that the MSU did remove the Sharon drawing after some complained and/or we publicized it).
Images of aborted fetuses should no more be displayed in public than images of women's private parts (or men's) magnificed by a factor of 10-20, or images of buckets of vomit, or images of dissected frogs.