Wednesday, February 26, 2014

UCLA Rejects Divestment

Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers and

Following the example of UC Riverside and UC Santa Barbara, the UCLA student government pissed away 9 hours of time and debate that could have been spent on more useful items impacting students before rejecting yet another resolution to boycott, divest and sanction companies that do business with Israel. Had the resolution passed, it would have been ignored by the university anyway.  Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers has a report and a video showing the overwrought reaction of one of the BDS supporters.

Here is the Daily Bruin report:

And here via Breitbart is conservative commentator Ben Shapiro's eloquent statement before the student government.

Just think: The student government devotes 9 hours debating this issue that has nothing to do with student life at UCLA. Is this what our tax-payer dollars are going to fund at UCLA and other campuses?

(The answer is yes.)


  1. Is this what our tax-payer dollars are going to fund at UCLA and other campuses?

    I bet there are a few other things doing on on campus. People may even be earning degrees in math, chemistry and engineering.

  2. And Beyoncé?? Wait, I believe that was Rutgers, sorry.
