Friday, February 14, 2014

Three of Anjem Choudary's Thugs Sentenced to Jail

Ringleader: Jordan Horner, known as Jamal Uddin, pictured arriving at court today where he was one of three men given Asbos banning them from promoting Sharia law for five years
"Heigh ho, heigh ho
It's off to jail they go"

A British court has sentenced three of Anjem Choudary's associates to jail terms for harassing and assaulting people on the streets of British cities in the name of compliance with sharia law. Via Jihad Watch, the Daily Mail has the story

One of the men, Royal Barnes, was recently captured on a cell phone video driving past the scene of the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby and mocking the victim.

This is what Britain is faced with, Ladies and Gentlemen. Unfortunately, the country is led by pusillanimous leaders like David Cameron and his recent predecessors, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. Then you have Prince Charles cavorting around wasting the tax-payers money and even occasionally masquerading as a Muslim for some unfathomable reason.

I seriously doubt that Choudary and his punkish followers would dare try these things on American streets although they would probably get away with them on our university campuses. But when you consider how this scum has been brazenly enforcing sharia law in their neighborhoods, you see why people in so many states in the US have pushed for legislation to ensure that only US law can be used in our courts to the exclusion of sharia and any version of international law. Some dismiss this as unnecessary and an assault on Muslims. Hardly. Some dopey judges have actually accepted sharia-based arguments in their rulings. Some banks are complying with sharia principles when it comes to interest payments. We need to make it perfectly clear that we have our laws and we will follow them. In addition, I still,  think that many Muslims who have immigrated here-especially women- have no desire to see some of the more odious aspects of sharia implemented in this country. They deserve our protection just as much as any American citizen.

1 comment:

  1. Britain seems to be handling it rather well. It took us rather longer to start putting KKK thugs in jail. But we did manage eventually. The British are out front.
