Friday, January 31, 2014

Christian College Drops Name (Crusaders): CAIR Applauds

Maranatha Baptist College in Wisconsin has decided to drop its mascot and nickname (The Crusaders) as part of its "efforts to join the global society" or some such rot.

"The heartbeat behind this was not political correctness, but expanded opportunities for our students.”

Expanded opportunities.

So what the Hell is wrong with Crusaders? Just because they were fighting Muslim armies hundreds of years ago? Big deal. It sure sounded a lot better than 'The Fighting Lutherans", be jeezuz.

Of course, we all know that this is just another case of Christian leaders prostrating themselves in front of sensitive Muslim groups like CAIR, whose spokeshole, Ibrahim Hooper was standing by with his words of approbation. Hooper, if you didn't know, is Canada's second undesirable import to the US, the first being Justin Bieber. Instead of changing their name, Maranatha should be speaking out about the treatment of Christians in Muslim lands. Or is it because they don't have any Baptists in those countries? I fondly recall when we sent our son to a Baptist school in Fairfax County, Virginia. That didn't work out so well when they told him and my wife they were both going to Hell because they were Catholics. So much for a global society. Shortly after that, one of their teachers got busted for having relations with an underage female student. So much for who was going to Hell.

But I digress.

If I may suggest a couple of ideas for the new name, let's see.....

1 The Dhimmies
2 The Global Village People
3 The CAIR Bears

Any of those would be appropriate.

But if it were my school, it would stay Crusaders or better yet, how about the Copts?


  1. Crusaders were a a vicious anti-Semitic rabble that slaughtered men, women and children, whether under arms, or not, including various sects of Christians as well as Jews and Muslims.

    Now why couldn't the college publicity office have just said that, straight up, instead of hemming and hawing in vague politically correct language?

    They must have spent too much time worrying about what Fousesquawk would say... and look what good all that tip-toeing around the tulips did them, anyway?

  2. Siarlys,

    As to the Crusades, I figure both sides were wrong. After all these centuries, it shouldn't matter. But don't tell me schools should change their names for fear of offending someone over what happened centuries ago. Besides, it's a one-sided exercise in self flagellation.

  3. Schools can change their name for whatever reason they want, and this change makes sense given that Crusaders were nothing anybody would want to identify with, if you look at what the Crusades really were.

    It's only self-flagellation if you identify with the Crusades as your rightful heritage, then try to apologize for it. I despise the Crusades, but I have nothing to apologize for. I bet that school didn't either.
