Friday, December 6, 2013

White House Changes Story on Obama's Uncle

"If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance. period."

"The President never met Onyango Obama. Period."

Here's a little quiz: What would you say are the most outlandish claims made against President Obama over the years?

1  He was born in Kenya.

2  He is a Muslim.

3 He has an aunt who has lived in Boston under public assistance despite being told to leave the country.

4  He has an uncle who has been living in Boston for two decades after being told to leave the country.

Man, I don't know what to believe anymore.


  1. The comments following the story are best of all, ranging from "the first Obama learned of his living with his uncle was when he read it in the papers" to the uncle, who has been a welfare recipient all these years, looks pretty good in a silk suit.

    What a congenital liar!

    Who would be so stupid as to believe their medical costs would go down if they insure 30 million more people and eliminate preexisting conditions? Big money savers! For the government, the carriers and the taxpayers.

    First they infantilize everyone up to 26 and then expect them to pay a huge premium at age 27 when all you need is catastrophic coverage and they have made job scarce for them with support for higher minimum wage. That simply creates more unemployment.

    The libtards NEVER consider consequences... all they can do really well is to demonize opponents.

  2. Just more of the same ol' same ol'.

  3. I recall very clearly that Barack Obama was president twenty years ago, and has been issuing orders to the Homeland Security Department since 1993 to leave his relatives alone. Now I'm going to post this on Wikipedia, where anything goes.
