Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Starting to Get it on Jihad

Among the Fox News anchors, the one who most clearly understands the Islamic threat has been Sean Hannity. After the horrific attack in Nairobi, it seems Bill O'Reilly is getting it now too. Here is his Talking Points memo after the attack. (Hat tip Patriot Corner)

What we need to hear next from these folks is to ask why we are bringing in tens of thousands of these people every year. Even if most are of no threat, it is a documented fact that several are a threat when it comes to jihad, and many others have proven to be problematical.

Go ahead, reader. Ask me in what ways. I will be happy to supply the specifics.


  1. The immigration policy should be partial to those that help this country's interests. There is no sense whatsoever to bringing in enemies.... look what happened to European countries.

    Thank Ted Kennedy for the legal immigration mess.

  2. Siarlys,

    Point well taken, however, I must point out that I take our enemies' words for it. What is most troubling is that these evil deeds find their basis in the Koran, the hadith, and the life of the prophet. The idea of killing people for this and that is also affirmed by the highest authorities in the Islamic world. Remember when we used to call them "fundamentalists"? Seems that it fit. It is true that most Muslims don't do these things, but they are either silent or they say, "This isn't Islam," and expect us to keep accepting it. There are only two groups of Muslims I can put my belief in-the Zuhdi Jassers (still a Muslim) or the Nonie Darwish's, and Ayaan Hirsi Alis (Apostates).

  3. Siarlys,

    Totally confusing as usual. At least you didn't throw Starlin Castro in there.

  4. Starlin Castro. He's the Cubs shortstop. You're a Cub fan-google him. Lotta history there.
