Saturday, August 17, 2013

Murder in Louisiana-Is There More to the Story?

Hat tip Creeping Sharia and New English Review

This week there was a standoff inside a bank in the small town of St Joseph, Louisiana. When it was over one hostage was dead, another critically wounded (who later died, and the shooter, a young man of Yemeni descent, was killed by police. Here is one report from the Huffington Post

Poor mixed -up young man just goes off the deep end for no apparent reason, right?

Here is more from the New English Review

Maybe it was in Yemen that he heard those voices in his head.

So is this another instance where we have a murderous attack, and the news media will keep the motive from the public in this interest of political correctness? This bears more investigation.


  1. On man acting alone somewhere in Louisiana is rather unlikely to have been an operative for an organized anything.

    Three guys in the bank covered by a back-up team on the rooftop across the street, all sufficiently well organized to keep the cops at bay... that would be more like it.

    Got any more fearsome monsters in your anxiety closet Gary?

    As a former law enforcement officer, you ought to know the difference between a professional job and a rank amateur being stupid. (The latter, statistically, are more likely to cause deaths.)

  2. Siarlys,

    I never said anything about any organization other than the possibility this guy was trained to conduct acts of terror in Yemen.

    Neither did I say anything about being a pro. It only matters whether this guy was trying to carrying out an act of Jihad. That's all. The problem is we have a lot of lone wolves prowling around these days. Or do you need examples?

  3. How would you handle law enforcement differently based on what the specific motives of one lone wolf was, over another?

    You keep raising these insinuations without ever offering what should be done if you're worst fears are true?

    Should all A-rabs be restricted to banking at a special back alley window because some Yemeni is hearing voices?
