Sunday, August 11, 2013

John Kerry Applauds Saudi Arabia

So Saudi Arabia gives $100 million to the UN Centre for Counter Terrorism, whatever that is, and John Heinz Kerry applauds them.

We welcome and applaud today’s $100 million donation by His Majesty King Abdullah, on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to the UN Centre on Counterterrorism (UNCCT).
His Majesty’s generous donation, on the occasion of Eid al Fitr, demonstrates once again the Kingdom’s commitment to supporting multilateral institutions and strengthening international cooperation on counterterrorism.
With these funds, we hope that the UN Counterterrorism Implementation Task Force (UNCTITF), of which the Centre is a critical component, can intensify its work to provide countries with the long-term capacity building support they need to implement the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy.

Blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.

How about the hundreds of millions the Saudis pour around the world to propagate Wahhabist teachings in Islamic schools and mosques around the world-not to mention their funding of new Middle East Studies departments in universities in the West-all staffed by Israeli-hating radicals?

The Saudis are playing a double game here trying to buy off the radicals into not toppling the House of Saud as part of the overall Jihad.


  1. The want to continue their Wahhabist program to make Sharia the law the world over. The counter-terrorism the Saudis care about is the Shia threat from Iran.

  2. Of course the Saudis are playing a double game. Maybe our Sec of State is also playing a double game. Its called Diplomacy. Its also a great all-night board game, although I haven't played it in decades.
