Thursday, August 1, 2013

France: The Blonde of YouTube is Back

Hat tip Gallia Watch

Gallia Watch has posted the latest video from the "The  Blonde of YouTube, a pretty young French woman who apeaks out on what is happening to her country. Naturally, she receives lots of threats. She is unafraid.

The last one I posted had English sub-titles. This doesn't, but Gallia Watch has the English translation in the text. In this one, she speaks mostly of the recent riots in Trappes.

*Update: As you can see, YouTube has removed these videos. It is called censorship. Here is another copy thanks to Gallia Watch.

1 comment:

  1. France is basically lost to the Islamists. All but a few Frenchmen would deny it. Their guests have become their conquerors. The French military has not done much in the last 100 years. I don't expect that their policemen have that much backbone either.

    Perhaps they figure that they can "reason" or "negotiate" with the Muslims. They put a lot of stock in that strategy because they really don't have the gumption to back up any other strategy.
