Tuesday, July 30, 2013

George Mason Students Sign 4th Trimester Abortion Petition

Hat tip Campus Reform and Media Research Center

In the interest of full disclosure my daughter attended George Mason University back in the 1990s-for one SEMESTER. So, I caught onto this video in which 14 people-including apparently a teacher- signed a petition to legalize 4th trimester abortions.


You can't put a price tag on a university education these days.

Actually, I stand corrected. It is very steep price tag. In some universities, the tuition is $20,000 per trimester.


  1. As I suspected, its not that those circulating the petition can't count or missed out on basic biology, they were deliberately testing how many people would sign a petition when overtly told "we're talking about after the babies are born." The circulators, of course, want abortion banned period.

    Its a neat tactic. The notion of "sending a message to our lawmakers" about what is in fact a constitutional restraint on the jurisdiction of legislators is another fallacy.

    Personally, I won't sign up for fourth trimester abortions. I'm happy with Roe v. Wade the way it is.

  2. On the one hand, we could argue that these university students were too dense to catch on to the fact that you would be killing infants already born, or that there was a valid argument for what that abortionist doctor in Philadelphia was doing.

    Which is it?

  3. And guess who is calling to legalize 4th Trimester Abortion?

    MSNBC and Melissa Harris-Perry

    I suspect that the President, Democratic Party, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN will all jump on the infanticide bandwagon.

  4. Anyone who signed this nonsense is too dumb for their opinion to be taken seriously. I'd take Findalis more seriously if she took an unambiguous position FOR first and second trimester abortions.

    Third trimester abortions, for any of you UC-Santa Cruz community study majors, are already illegal in all 50 states, fully consistent with Roe v. Wade, unless the mother's life or health are in danger.

    Findalis and Melissa Harris-Perry need each other like George W. Bush and Osama bin-Laden needed each other. The latter is indulging in deep solipsism, but she can't attach it to a constitutional construct, so we're all safe.

  5. @ Siarlys

    I stand with the SCOTUS

    In Roe v. Wade they wrote:

    Abortion until viability.

    Viability is the middle of the 5th month of pregnancy. That is the cut off point.

    As for the mother's life, that comes first. But most women will fight for the life of her child. They will try to carry until they cannot any longer. This is done in order to give the child the best start in life.

    Melissa Harris-Perry is in favor of murdering children. Whether before birth or after. A big difference.

    Now what is your position of infanticide?

  6. I have to agree with Findalis at least that once that baby comes out breathing, it weould be sheer murder to end its life. In fact, what's the difference between a matter of a few inces of space when you have a living, breathing human being inside. Late term abortions, partial birth abortions etc, I cannot agree with. Morally, I am against all abortions I just don't know how we control and effectively legislate it in the early stages of pregnancy.

  7. Who's arguing? We all agree on Roe v. Wade. We might quibble on when viability kicks in, and on what the decision said about viability, but I tend to think 20 weeks is a good cut-off, even if that requires some modest adjustment by the Supreme Court in light of improved medical knowledge. The two factors I consider most crucial are

    1) ability to live outside the womb without a long period on artificial life support,

    2) evidence of the minimal cognitive function and self-awareness of a central nervous system.

    I support the First Amendment rights of people who believe abortion is morally wrong to say so, even when it is legally a pregnant woman's choice to make. Legal means you won't go to jail. It says nothing about what is the right choice to make.
